

  • File inclusion vulnerability - doesn’t upload files like .exe or some scripts than can be accidentally run on server
  • SQL injection - clean user input
  • CSRF (Cross site request forgery) and cookies
    • In a cross-site request forgery attack, the attacker tries to force/trick you into making a request which you did not intend. This could be sending you a link that makes you involuntarily change your password. A malicious link could look like that:
    • The browser automatically sending cookies also has a big downside, which is CSRF attacks. In a CSRF attack, a malicious website takes advantage of the fact that your browser will automatically attach authentication cookies to requests to that domain and tricks your browser into executing a request.
    • cookies make it more difficult for non-browser based applications (like mobile to tablet apps) to consume your API.
    • JWTs are stored as cookies on many occasions, and cookies are vulnerable/susceptible to CSRF (Cross-site Request Forgery) attacks. One of the many ways to prevent CSRF attacks is to ensure that your cookie is accessible by only your domain. As a developer, ensure that necessary CSRF protections are put in place to avoid these attacks, regardless of the use of JWTs.
  • XSS
    • In a cross-site scripting attack, the attacker makes you involuntarily execute client-side code, most likely Javascript. A typical reflected XSS attacking attempt could look like this:"><script>alert(document.cookie)</script>
    • (Cross-site scripting): an attacker embeds a script in the victim site (the victim site is only vulnerable if inputs are not sanitized correctly), and the attacker’s script can do anything JavaScript is allowed to do on the page.
    • If you store JWT tokens in local storage, the attacker’s script could read those tokens, and also send those tokens to a server they control. In fact, a lot of people advocate that very sensitive data shouldn’t be stored in Web Storage because of XSS attacks